Country Sampler has the DIY colonial Floor Cloth created by Janice from Stairway to Home instructions on their website & also Debra from Black Creek Colonial has created one herself. And I totally agree with those Ladies about them not being the easiest. It was fun though when the project was completed and now I can sit and look at it knowing that I created it all on my own. I will love it once we have the carpet ripped out and hard wood put down that I am hoping happens with in the next couple of months.
So take a look at my newest creation! I even think I might try to make a runner for my hallway eventually.

So do you all have snow in your neck of the woods??? We got hit twice this weekend with a blast but not a big one. And tomorrow it's suppose to be a high of 8 degree's so I know it will be gone with the rain that comes. I am enjoying the winter as I don't like the cold and we haven't had much cold weather!
Ground Hog day is on Thursday so lets hope there is only 6 weeks until Spring!!! And hopefully this Spring is a good one unlike last year but winter hasn't felt near as long as last year's did!!!
I am looking forward to getting outside and into my flower beds and seeing all the beautiful spring flowers pop up!
Have a great day everyone!